Removing Invasive Autumn Olive Trees From Your Property

One of the most troublesome types of invasive trees in America today is the autumn olive, a plant that originally hails from Asian countries such as China. Although it is beautiful and adored by many birds, autumn olive also has no trouble choking out existing ecosystems and can continue to spread even when burned to the ground, making it a particularly tenacious foe for conservationists. If you own property and have noticed that your native species are being choked out by rapidly growing autumn olive trees, you will likely need to enlist the help of a professional tree removal service to stop them once and for all. 

Understanding the Harm of Invasive Species

Many of the invasive plant species brought into the United States were originally intended to serve as ornamental landscaping plants, chosen and brought over for their beauty and easy cultivation. Unfortunately, the unintended consequence of these seemingly harmless actions has been the rapid spread of invasive plants with no natural competition or predators to slow them down. Autumn olive trees are especially harmful because of their very dense foliage, which prevents anything from growing beneath them. The end result is a natural, barren orchard of these trees where lush ecosystems once existed. As a property owner, it is your responsibility to help curb the spread of these dangerous trees to preserve the natural balance of your area. 

Removing Mature Trees

The first step in clearing out autumn olives is to physically remove the trees themselves. This must be done carefully, since the trees bear many seeds that will germinate if given the chance. Because of this, the best time to remove these trees is in winter, spring or early summer, before they have ripe fruits ready to scatter. 

Destroying the Roots Below

Once the trees themselves are gone, you must turn your attention to their roots, which will continue to grow and send up new saplings if left in the soil. Removing the roots physically is expensive and difficult work, which is why it is better to treat them with an herbicide that can effectively eradicate them. Once the autumn olives are gone, the soil should quickly recover and be able to hold life as usual. 

Hunting Down Saplings in Spring

Even with all of these precautions, it is still common for a few autumn olive saplings to survive the initial tree removal. These saplings are some of the first plants in spring to sprout leaves, making them easy to pick out while others are still hibernating. At this stage, you can often simply pull them up by hand, though you may want to call your tree removal service once more to ensure a thorough sweep. You should continue to watch the boundaries of your properties for new autumn olive invaders, but with some commitment and professional methods at your disposal, you can transform your property from a struggling and empty ecosystem to the vibrant habitat nature intended. 

To learn more, contact a tree removal company like Edmonds Tree Service
